The Defense 

       At the Great White Throne Judgment

Every human being who has ever lived will be present at the Great White Throne
Judgment.  This judgment will take place after the death of all physical mankind, in
the spiritual realm. There will be no one present in a physical body.  This
judgment will be about the things done – the life that each person lived in the
physical realm / their physical life.  

God the creator will be seated upon His throne -- Jesus Christ our advocate will be
present -- all of mankind in resurrected bodies will be present -- and the books of
evidence will be there.   (Reference  Revelation 20: 11 – 15).   

The family of God, all whose names are written in the ‘Lambs Book of Life’, will be
judged innocent.  Although they were sinners, they had believed in God, called
upon the name of the Lord, repented of their sins and been saved.  Thus, they
are judged innocent by the testimony of their advocate Jesus Christ, who had paid
/ died for the sins of all mankind and forgiven the sins of those who repented –
writing their names in the ‘Lambs Book of Life’.    
(Reference  Romans 10: 9 – 13).  

Those of mankind, who have never heard the Word of God nor heard about Jesus
Christ will be judged guilty as sinners, as is all mankind.  They will be judged
according to the ‘Law of the Heart’ -- for it is evident that all mankind knows right
from wrong.  They will be judged by God according to His knowledge, as it is
written in the books of evidence.  

All of mankind, who have 
not believed in God, nor repented, nor called upon the
name of the Lord will be judged guilty.  The evidence of the sins of every
individual will be declared from the books that will be opened.  They will have no
defense -- they are guilty.  Jesus Christ will declare --  that, He never knew them.  
As being declared guilty -- sentence will be promptly carried out.  They will be
separated from God, in whom they did 
not believe, and cast into the lake of fire.
Judgment will be swift and final.

'Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the
Father except through Me'.
Jesus Christ is the one who holds the 'Book of Life' and He is the only One who
writes in it.  All who have heard and obeyed the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be
saved.  All who have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and rejected or failed to
obey will be condemned.  All who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ will
be judged by what is written about their life in the 'books'.  




Believe in God your creator and His plan for the redemption of sinful
mankind --  through Jesus Christ.  Confessing your sins -- asking for
salvation through Jesus Christ.  

Dear heavenly Father, I believe that you are God my creator.  I believe that you
sent Jesus Christ, to die for my sins – that Jesus arose from the dead and is alive
today.  I know that I have sinned.  I am a sinner.  Dear Lord Jesus please forgive
my sin’s, come into my heart and save me.  Please be Lord of my life.    Thank
You  -- amen.

Please study the Bible – the Word of God.