I am a retired pastor (resigned my check) and missionary
who has pastored

in Texas and Washington state and been involved in

numerous mission activities in several countries.

Over these many years of Bible study and mission

evangelism we ( my Lord & I ) have developed a

method of witnessing.

** It is an extensive study of salvation in Christ Jesus.

** It is an effective witness to people of other religions.

** It requires serious study to grasp its effectiveness.

Please find below articles about our mission work.  First a
copy of page 225 from Henry Blakaby's study course
'Experiencing God'.  Then followed by an article about our
work in Armenia as written in the Southern Baptist IMB  "
Commission "magazine.

This is to give a reference about our work. Please

contact us for further reference or question.




Don English
3117 Silverton Dr.
Dallas, Texas  75229

Born  10/24/1940   @ Weatherford, Texas

Married to  Nancy English  2/3/1962

We have 4 children  --- 13 grand children – 8 great-grand children.

Nancy has taught Sunday School – many years; A.C.E. Christian school

supervisor; pastor’s helper; mother / home-maker.

I grew up in a Christian home – both mother and dad taught Sunday school

many years; Mother taught G.A.s, Acteens, Sunbeams.

As I grew up we attended church Sunday mornings – Sunday nights – Wednesdays

and every revival.

Spiritual /Service / ministry history:

I came to Christ – made public confession and was baptized at First Baptist
church  Alice, Texas in 1949.

I was ‘called’ to the ministry at age 18  --- but I refused.

** From 1965 – 1978, I served as Sunday school teacher/director, Training union
teacher, deacon and various church committees.

** On May 3rd 1978, I surrendered to the ministry at First Baptist, Buffalo,Texas

before pastor Don Bush and app. 40 folks at Wednesday evening services.

** I was ‘licensed’ to the ministry in June 1978 at FBC Buffalo, Texas.

** August 1978, I was called as pastor of Ephesus Baptist Church Jewett, Texas.

** September 1978, I was ‘ordained’ to the ministry at First Baptist Church

Buffalo, Texas – Pastor Don Bush presiding.

** February 3rd 1980, I was called as pastor of First Baptist Church Jourdanton,Tx.

** March 1982, I was called as pastor of First Baptist Church Lacey, Washington.

** In 1984, I surrendered to mission work and have served mission projects in

Philippines, China, Mexico, Vancouver B.C., New York, California, Ukraine –

3 years, Armenia, Syria, Iraq, Turkey.  1984 --- to present.

** In 1995, after returning from 3 years in Ukraine, I was called as pastor to

Ricardo Baptist Church Kingsville, Texas and was there through end of 2002.

(Doing mission trips 2 or 3 time per year).

** In 2004, moved to Dallas to continue/expand mission work and work on

writing my book, etc.

** May 2010, published by contract with Tate Publishing ‘Alpha Omega Alpha’.  

The greatest Blessing/Calling/challenge is to be in the ministry of our Lord and

Savior Jesus Christ !!!!!!!!!!    dle

Educational background:

High School – William Adams High, Alice, Texas.

Texas A & I University, Kingsville, Texas.

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas;


I, Don English, have been involved in volunteer mission work beginning in January 1984 until the present.
As pastor of First Baptist Church Lacey, Washington, in 1984, I was called of my Lord to do mission work.  
Being too old to qualify for Baptist Foreign Mission Board I determined to do volunteer work through the Foreign
Mission Board which later became IMB.  My Lord indeed led to many places, as He taught me to understand His
will and then to obey even when I did not know His purpose nor the plan -- but every time I learned and saw the
purpose and plan that only our God could know.  Although my family and I have at times experienced much
spiritual attack from the enemy of the family of God, we have lived an adventure and are greatly blessed through
the mission work that our Lord has allowed us to participate in.
Some of the work we have been involved in:
** 50+ trips half-way around the world to numerous countries -- Philippines, China, Ukraine, Armenia, Russia,
Moldova, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Brazil and Australia.  
** Plus many mission trips into Mexico, then to Canada and various places here in USA.
** We, my family and I lived for 3 years in Lugansk, Ukraine from 1991- 1994.
** Long term work in Armenia,1994 - present, as mentioned in 'Commission' magazine article above.
** Long term work among Kurdish people in Armenia and IAlthough not fluent, I can 'get around' in both Spanish and Russian.
Along the way, the time came when I asked my Lord, "Why do You move me to another place when I am just
getting things started."
The answer came quickly and clearly -- that the time would come when I would go back to all those places we
have been, connecting all those dots, bring to conclusion that which my Lord called me to do in 1984.
In 2011 I realized - understood and began to go back to fulfil God's plan in my life.




Please notice below, a not good copy of page 225 from Henry & Richard Blackaby's and Claude King's study book 'Experiencing God'.  
This example resulted from our work in Lugansk, Ukraine.  In the 2nd week of June 1984 Nancy and I had separate dreams, one night
apart, through which we understood and believed that someday we would go to the Ukraine of Russia as missionaries.  For over 7 years,
as we were involved in numerous mission projects, we looked for / expected to find an open door to Ukraine. In 1991 we were living in
Nuevo, California.  I was interim pastor at Nuevo Baptist Church.  They were asking me each week to be their pastor.  Though I desired to
be their pastor, the Lord gave me no peace in that decision.  In August 1991 as I was intensely praying about that pastorate and couldn't
sleep I had the thought to call my friend from seminary, who was pastor at Beverly Park in Seattle.  So -- with considerable anxiety I
called him in the middle of that night.  He was the only person on earth who knew the dreams Nancy and I had more that 7 years before.  
He shared how a pastor from Lugansk had immigrated to Seattle with a plan -- to leave his family's home intact -- find a church where
the Lord would lead him --- and ask that church to send a missionary to live in his house and work in Lugansk, Ukraine.  
So -- in December 1991, Nancy, myself, Tressa our 16 year old daughter and Don E our 9 year old son went to Lugansk on a one way
ticket.  We spoke no Russian.  We knew no one.  The pastor's oldest daughter had remained in the house, picked us up at the airport and
remained approx. 3 months.  Immediately people came to meet the Americans and we started English classes.  Soon -- numerous in our
English classes received Jesus Christ as Lord -- some became our interpreters -- became our fellow laborers in our Lord's work.   
In Lugansk we visited approx. 1/2 of the 60 schools in the city, where we shared the Gospel and prayed with many hundreds of students
and teachers alike.  Also preached and prayed in 4 universities, numerous hospitals (2 large hospitals every week) and held crusades in
palaces (civic center auditoriums) and various areas / neighborhoods.  We also did the same (schools, universities, crusades) in 39 other
cities and towns in the Lugansk region.  We had a series of 4 evangelistic messages that were aired on Lugansk area TV.   I heard the
prayers and saw the tears of thousands of people --- our LORD KNOWS their hearts.   
This was a unique time in the history of mankind.  Communism / atheism had ruled for 70 years ---
THEN GOD CARRIED OUT A PLAN that ONLY HE could perform.  ------- I could not ----  He let me be part of it -- -- HE BLESSED US GREATLY